Program starts from 1,740

Cultural Care Au Pair offers you a high-quality option for your stay abroad with no hidden costs.

Pay nothing until you find your host family

Our au pairs only pay the program fee once they find their perfect host family match. You can apply and start your search for free!

Comprehensive medical insurance coverage

Coverage through Cultural Care includes unlimited care in case of a new illness or accident during your au pair term.

Access to a large network of doctors.

Sports coverage – even for risky activities.

Unlimited illness and accident coverage

No upfront cost for treatment.

Coverage during travel outside of the USA*

*Excluding your home county

As a Cultural Care au pair, you remain fully covered if you decide to take advantage of your 13th month in the USA to travel and have fun.

Coverage also includes valuable property and cash. Theft or damage will be covered up to USD 5,000.

What else is included?

Extensive training and preparation programs

We ensure our au pairs are prepared for their year through online courses and preparation workshops.

Largest support network in the USA

Cultural Care Au Pair has staff in three U.S. offices and the largest network of local representatives across the country to support you and your family.

Opportunity to extend at no cost

After their first year is over, au pairs have the opportunity to extend their time in the USA, and Cultural Care au pairs pay no extra to do so.

It is important to consider the additional costs

“Peace of Mind” cancellation protection

Starting from 120 €

Visa fee, paid to the U.S. Embassy

185 USD

International driving license

Depends on the country

Police clearance certificate

Depends on the country


Depends on the country

Health Certificate

Depends on the practitioner

Additional baggage

Depends on the airline